Science Confirms Biblical Passages? Discover What Has Been Found!

Science Confirms Biblical Passages

The Bible contains historical and spiritual accounts that have been questioned for centuries. But what if some of these passages have scientific and archaeological support? Discover now some evidence that might even surprise the most skeptical!

🏺 1. The City of Sodom and Gomorrah: Evidence of Destruction by Fire

The Bible reports that God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah with fire and brimstone falling from the sky (Genesis 19:24-25). For a long time, this was considered a myth until archaeologists found traces of an ancient city with signs of destruction from extreme heat.

🔍 Scientific discovery:

  • At Tall el-Hammam in Jordan, archaeologists found evidence that the city was destroyed by a catastrophic high-temperature event, similar to a meteor explosion.
  • Examinations of the remains of the city showed that stones and bricks were exposed to temperatures above 2,000°C, which could have occurred due to an explosion from the sky.
  • Scientists from the University of California and other institutions suggest that an impact similar to the Tunguska meteor (Russia, 1908) may have been the cause.

Coincidence or evidence of the biblical destruction?

Ciencia Confirma Passagens Biblicas gomorra

🌊 2. Noah’s Flood: Evidence of a Global Deluge

The biblical account of Noah tells of a great flood that covered the entire Earth (Genesis 7:17-24). But is there any evidence of this?

🔍 Scientific discovery:

  • Geologists have discovered signs of a mega flood that occurred about 7,000 years ago in the region of the Black Sea.
  • The theory proposed by researchers from the Columbia University suggests that the Black Sea was originally a freshwater lake and that a giant flood (possibly caused by a breach from the Mediterranean) transformed the region.
  • Many ancient cultures have accounts similar to Noah’s Flood, such as the Sumerians (Epic of Gilgamesh), the Greeks, and even indigenous tribes.

Could this be the historical basis for the biblical account?

Ciencia Confirma Passagens Biblicas noe

🏺 3. The Existence of King David and the Kingdom of Israel

For a long time, critics claimed that King David was merely a mythical figure. But that changed in 1993 when archaeologists discovered a stele inscribed with a reference to the ‘House of David Kingdom’.

🔍 Scientific discovery:

  • The Tel Dan Stele, discovered in northern Israel, contains the first extra-biblical evidence of David’s existence.
  • This stone has been dated to the 9th century BC, confirming that King David indeed existed and was a historical figure.

This reinforces the reliability of the Bible as a historical record!

🐟 4. The Great Fish that Swallowed Jonah: Could It Be Possible?

The book of Jonah recounts that he was swallowed by a great fish and survived inside it for three days (Jonah 1:17). Is this event scientifically possible?

🔍 Scientific discoveries:

  • There are records of sperm whales and great white sharks that have swallowed entire human beings.
  • In 1891, a fisherman named James Bartley claimed to have been swallowed by a sperm whale and rescued alive after a few hours. His body was covered in digestive acids, yet he survived.
  • Although Bartley’s account is controversial, scientists affirm that some species of whales and sharks have stomach cavities large enough to accommodate a man.

So, could the biblical account have occurred?

🏛 5. The Exodus and the Plagues of Egypt: Is There Evidence?

The Exodus is one of the most epic accounts in the Bible, but is there scientific evidence for it?

🔍 Scientific discovery:

  • Egyptian papyri found in Luxor report catastrophes similar to the Ten Plagues of Egypt described in the Bible (Exodus 7-12).
  • The Ipuwer Papyrus, dated around 1600 BC, mentions events such as water turned into blood, darkness, and the death of the firstborn.
  • Geologists suggest that volcanic eruptions on the island of Santorini may have caused natural phenomena that explain some of the plagues.

Could this indicate that the Egyptian plagues really happened?

Conclusion: Science Confirms Biblical Passages

Although science cannot prove faith, these discoveries show that many biblical events have a historical and scientific basis.
For believers, this evidence further strengthens their faith. For skeptics, it offers a new perspective on the veracity of biblical accounts.

💬 What do you think about these discoveries? Do you believe that Science Confirms Biblical Passages? Share your opinion!

Science Confirms Biblical Passages



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